How Long After Botox Can You Workout: Do’s and Don’ts

You’ve just had your first round of botox. Your doctor probably gave you a laundry list of things to steer clear of, and somewhere on top of that list would be a reminder to hit the brakes on exercise immediately after. 

Now, some of you fitness buffs out there might think these rules are more like guidelines, right? Wrong. 

Why the ban on workouts? What’s the worst that can happen if you ignore it? How long after botox can you work out? 

Whether you’ve forgotten your doctor’s long list of instructions or they simply didn’t hand one out, fret not. Put those gym shoes away, and read on to find the answer. 

How Does Botox Work? 


What exactly is the deal with botox, and what’s exercise got to do with it? 

Think of botox like a magic eraser for wrinkles. It’s a chemical made from botulin that is injected into your muscles to smooth out those pesky lines. Of course, it’s not entirely magic, though; it’s simple science. 

Here’s the lowdown: Botox works by blocking signals from nerves to muscles, essentially putting those muscles on timeout. This relaxation of muscles helps soften wrinkles and prevents them from deepening. 

When a certain muscle of your body gets a dose of botox, it essentially becomes immobile—you can’t move it anymore. And since you can’t move it, you won’t get wrinkles. Noticeable changes start occurring between three to five days. 

Here’s where it gets tricky. Botox is a foreign, liquid substance that can easily move around. It is very carefully injected into the target muscle, and it takes some time to settle down. 

During this settling down period, botox has a high chance of migrating to other areas—a phenomenon known as botox diffusion. One common culprit? Increased blood flow or pressure on the area.

That brings us to why you can’t work out immediately after botox. 

Effects of Exercise on Botox

When exercise and botox mix, it’s not a pretty picture. 

In the previous section, we discussed how botox, especially in the first few hours after injection, is susceptible to wandering off. Well, working out will speed along that process. 

When you get your sweat on, blood flow increases to each area of your body. In turn, increased blood flow makes it more likely for the botox to migrate. Instead of smoothing out your wrinkles, it may end up in places that you didn’t intend. 

When that happens, it can wreak havoc: 

  • Uneven results: Botox that's gone astray might leave you with patchy or uneven smoothing, which leads to a lopsided or unusually asymmetrical face. 

  • Wasted treatment: You paid good money for those botox injections, so why let them go to waste? Exercising too soon can diminish the effectiveness of your treatment, meaning you'll be back for touch-ups sooner than expected.

  • Increased bruising: Mixing botox with exercise can up your chances of bruising. And let's be real, no one wants to rock a shiner post-workout.

  • Swelling: Pumping iron might give you that post-gym glow, but it can also cause unwanted swelling, especially if botox decides to take a detour.

How Long After Botox Can You Work Out?

Alas, we get to the burning question: how long after botox can you work out?

As we’ve discussed so far, the name of the game is allowing your botox enough time to settle in and do its job properly. 

Some professionals might tell you to hold off for at least four hours before easing into moderate exercise, gradually ramping up the intensity the next day.

However, most experts recommend waiting at least 24 hours before hitting the gym or diving into any heavy lifting. 

When it comes to effective botox results, patience is key. Waiting a bit longer, say 48 hours, can give you an extra layer of assurance that your botox has firmly found its place and won't migrate. 

At the end of the day, it depends on what kind of exercise you’re doing. As mentioned before, moderate exercise is usually safer after 24 hours. But any exercise that will increase your heart rate to upwards of 130 bpm can wait a little longer (we will discuss the specific exercises in the next section). 

Remember, everyone's body is unique, so it's essential to tune in to yours. If you're unsure, play it safe, stick to light-to-moderate exercise, and if all else fails, have a chat with your doctor. 

Dos and Don’ts of Exercising after Botox 

The biggest “do” of working out after botox is to wait a solid 24 hours. Here are some other things you should keep in mind as well. 

Do: Stick to Gentle Movements

Opt for low-impact exercises like walking, gentle stretching, or light yoga. These activities won't ramp up your heart rate or affect your blood flow too much. Therefore, they are less likely to cause botox migration.

Don’t: High-Intensity Workouts

Steer clear of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), heavy weightlifting, hot yoga, or vigorous cardio sessions for the first 24 to 48 hours after botox injections. These activities can increase blood flow and raise your heart rate, potentially causing botox to disperse prematurely.

Do: Stay Upright

Keep your head above your heart to minimize blood flow to the treated areas. 

This means avoiding exercises that involve bending over or inversions, like downward-facing dog in yoga, which could encourage botox to spread to unintended areas.

Don’t: Get a Facial Massage

After you get botox, your doctor will typically also advise you to avoid touching your face as much as possible. This is to avoid external pressure which may cause the botox to migrate. 

Skip any facial massages or treatments that involve rubbing or manipulating the treated areas. These actions can disrupt the settling process of botox and lead to uneven results or migration.

Do: Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any discomfort or unusual sensations during exercise. If something feels off, it's better to err on the side of caution and take a break. 

Remember, it's essential to ease back into your routine gradually post-Botox.

Don’t: Go to the Sauna

Postpone indulging in hot baths, saunas, or steam rooms immediately after botox injections. The heat can dilate blood vessels and increase circulation, potentially interfering with the effectiveness of botox and causing it to spread to unintended areas.

Other Precautions to Take After Botox

Before diving back into your daily routine post-botox, it's essential to be aware of some additional precautions to safeguard your results.

Here are a few more precautions to keep in mind, at least for those first pivotal 24 hours:

  • Avoid Alcohol and Blood Thinners: Steer clear of alcohol and blood-thinning medications or supplements for at least 24 hours post-injection. These substances can increase the risk of bruising and interfere with the settling process of botox.

  • Skip the Facial Treatments: Hold off on any facial treatments, like microdermabrasion or chemical peels, for at least a week after botox injections. These procedures can irritate the skin and potentially disrupt the effectiveness of botox.

  • Be Gentle with Skincare: Opt for gentle skincare products and avoid harsh exfoliants or abrasive scrubs for the first few days after botox. Aggressive skincare routines can irritate the skin and interfere with the healing process.

  • Protect Your Skin from Sun Exposure: Shield your face from direct sunlight and UV radiation by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. 

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and promote optimal healing post-botox. Hydration is key to maintaining healthy skin and maximizing the longevity of botox results.

When to Visit a Doctor

Sometimes, you can do everything right, but your botox might still not take. So, what do you do if things aren't going according to plan with your botox? 

Here are some signs that your botox might not be settling in properly and it's time to visit your doctor:

  • Uneven Results: Noticeable discrepancies in smoothing out wrinkles or asymmetrical facial expressions.

  • Delayed Onset: Lack of improvement in targeted areas or delayed onset of botox effects beyond the usual timeframe.

  • Excessive Migration: Botox spreading to unintended areas of the face, causing undesirable side effects or unevenness.

  • Persistent Wrinkles: Continued presence of deep wrinkles or creases despite botox injections.

If you experience any of these signs, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider. They can assess your situation, determine the best course of action, and provide any necessary touch-ups or adjustments to ensure you achieve the desired results.


When it comes to the question of “how long after botox can you work out,” the golden rule is patience and caution. You need to allow your botox ample time to settle and minimize the risk of migration. 

Rushing into exercise too soon could spell trouble, risking migration and compromising those smooth results. 

So, remember to take it slow, listen to your body, and give your botox the time it needs, ideally 24 hours, to do its thing. 

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